Is Kickstarter bubble bursting?
In 2014 over $29m was pledged towards video game campaigns on the world’s biggest crowd-funding platform. Sounds a lot doesn’t it, but when you compare it to 2013’s £58m you see that it represents a 50% drop!
In an interview with industry magazine MCV, Kickstarter’s community manager Luke Crane played down the drop.
“While the amount pledged to video game projects was down last year, there were actually more successful projects in 2014 than in any other year – 465 versus 438 in 2013… There were fewer blockbusters, but a healthy mix of really diverse smaller projects.”
Some of this bears true as 2013 saw massive crowd-funding successes like Frontier’s Elite: Dangerous that took in over £1.5m alone. However it will certainly be an interesting year ahead for the American company.