
Team17 and Ghost Town Games release Overcooked

The award-winning veteran games developer Team17 and Indie dev Ghost Town Games have released their new ‘compelling couch co-op cooking game’ Overcooked for consoles and PC.

olli olli 2 xl edition logo

Review: OlliOlli 2 XL Edition

The world was once peppered with skateboarding games from various big names, though these have slowly diminished over the years, making OlliOlli 2 XL Edition a small breath of fresh air. The game scales back all the fancy graphics and realism of other titles, but doesn’t skrimp on the game mechanics or fun.

xbox logo gamescom 2015

Gamescom 2015: Microsoft Xbox summary and trailers

Xbox were first to do their conference at Gamescom this year and they have promised not only backwards compatibility but also full DVR functionality meaning that you can record shows in the background while you play. The DVR recordings can then be watched from any Windows 10 enabled device, such as your PC or mobile…

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